Buying a Horse (2)

"Generally speaking, everyone is still willing to buy horse mules. They're capable and stronger than horses, and they're not as difficult to raise as horses. Although they eat more than donkey mules, they eat less than horses."

Liu Ping continued, "The price of young and strong horse mules is usually five to ten taels. The most expensive one is not more than fifteen taels. As for donkey mules, it's about three to eight taels. The market is different everywhere. This is the price we have here. Some mules are not worth much."

Su Xiaoxiao felt that she had hired the right person. Liu Ping had made up for her lack of knowledge. Otherwise, she would be choosing blindly.

"Liu Ping!"

A short but very muscular man in his early thirties walked towards the two of them.

Liu Ping took a look. "Brother Hai!"

He said to Su Xiaoxiao, "I used to work for him. He's a foreman here."

Su Xiaoxiao nodded.