Commander's Seal (1)

Su Xiaoxiao looked up. "Shen Chuan?"

Shen Chuan said, "You're a busy person now! Your business is getting bigger and bigger. Don't forget me!"

"Thanks to you." Su Xiaoxiao smiled slightly. She thought of something and asked, "Didn't you say that you were going to study in the prefecture capital before the New Year? When are you leaving?"

Shen Chuan sighed. "Tomorrow."

Su Xiaoxiao took in his expression and asked, "You don't seem to want to go."

Shen Chuan waved his fan helplessly. "Isn't it the same studying anywhere? My father teaches well."

Su Xiaoxiao said, "It's better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books. Dean Shen probably wants you to go out and gain experience."