
Not long after the group left, a man in black also left like a ghost behind a big tree not far away.

"My Lord."

In the backyard of the Su family, the man in black knelt on one knee and bowed respectfully to Wei Ting.

The three little ones sat beside Wei Ting and combed the fur of the little horse.

The little horse was very obedient but they were more obedient. They were their mother's favorite obedient babies.

The three little ones did not react much to the arrival of the man in black. They seemed to be used to it and were not interested.

On the other hand, the man in black looked at the three little ones in shock and did not dare to recognize them for a moment.

In his memory, the three young masters were thin and small. They looked malnourished and were constantly afraid. Their eyes were filled with fear.

Now, they were more like ordinary children. They were raised to be fair, tender, and carefree.