
The waiter pretended to be confused. "How would I know what's wrong with you? We agreed that you would supply no more than a hundred egg yolks a day, no less than thirty. It's only been a few days, and you're already going back on your word?"

Su Xiaoxiao said, "Your ability to accuse others is really unheard of! When did I agree to supply you every day? Do you have evidence?"


Manager Sun had been careful when he discussed cooperation with Su Xiaoxiao.

The two sides were competitors. He was worried that Su Xiaoxiao would supply the bad salted egg yolks to Jin Ji and keep the good ones for herself. Therefore, he decided to try out the arrangement for a while to confirm the quality of the supplied salted egg yolks before signing an official purchase document with Su Xiaoxiao.

Therefore, Jin Ji could not furnish any contract to ask Su Xiaoxiao for supplies. Otherwise, they would have gotten her to compensate for the huge breach of contract.