
Su Xiaoxiao lay on the cold grass and let the snow fall on her face and body.

She could not feel the pain and coldness. She could no longer tell if it was the effect of the poisonous vines or if she was frozen.

Was it an illusion?

Why did she hear someone calling her?

But she couldn't make any sound.

It was not easy for her to be reborn. Was she going to die here?

Her eyelids were getting heavier. If she fell asleep now… she would never wake up.

But really… she couldn't hold on anymore.

In her daze, she vaguely saw a tall figure walking toward her.

She opened her mouth to say something but fell completely unconscious.

Wei Ting squatted down and touched her forehead before picking up her injured chubby hand.

Usually, she would cry like this with just a scratch. Now, with this inch-long wound, who knew how many tears she would shed?

"My Lord!"