Blood Was Thicker Than Water

"Eh? Are you awake? Why are you looking at me like that?" Su Cheng glared at Su Yuan fiercely.

Su Yuan's eyes flickered.

They were too similar.

However, it did not seem like it the moment he opened his mouth.

It was said that nephews looked like uncles because the siblings were from the same mother and had common physical characteristics.

When he saw Qin Che, Su Yuan felt that he was indeed a little similar to his father. Seeing the person in front of him, Su Yuan finally understood what a real resemblance was.

This pair of eyebrows was exactly the same as those of his aunt and father.

Su Yuan muttered, "You look like a person."

Su Cheng raised the butcher knife. "Who are you scolding? I'm a human, to begin with! What do you mean by saying I look like a person!"

Su Yuan was speechless.

Su Xiaoxiao said, "Dad, he's my customer in the prefecture city. The spring water Ergou brought back for you belongs to his family."