The Truth

Compared to Su Yuan's excitement, the Su family was much calmer. The family was carefree. Nothing was important. Food was the most important.

"Daughter, what are we eating tonight?" Su Cheng asked.

Su Xiaoxiao picked a fat rib. "Tomahawk pork belly!"

Su Cheng swallowed.

He did not understand what a tomahawk was, but he understood pork belly. His daughter's food was the most fragrant!

Su Cheng opened the lid of the water tank. "Eh? The water is almost empty. Ergou! Brat, where did you go? Daughter, I'm going to get water!"

"Oh," Su Xiaoxiao replied. She took the washed ribs into the kitchen and placed them on the chopping board before chopping them.

Su Yuniang looked at Su Cheng, who was carrying the bucket out, then at Su Xiaoxiao, who was chopping bones.

She muttered, "I say, is your reaction not right?"

After so much had just happened, were they only thinking about eating?