Face Slapping

Su Ergou went to the toilet and reminded the little fellows not to wander around.

"Stinky." Xiaohu pinched his nose exaggeratedly.

Then the three little fellows left.

They wouldn't go far. They wandered around the shop and went upstairs.

After they left the room, the three little ones came out of the empty room next door. They tilted their heads and looked at Qin Yun before looking at his friends. They frowned fiercely.

Young Master Li and the others' plan was actually very simple. It was to scare them. If they couldn't do it once, they would do it twice. If they couldn't do it twice, they would do it thrice. If they were frightened enough, they would naturally not be able to stay in the capital.

"They're not that timid…" Qin Yun felt that this method was inappropriate.