Brother Ting Takes Action (2)

After leaving Qin Canglan's courtyard, Su Xiaoxiao encountered some trouble. Since the Protector Duke's Estate strengthened its guard, she could not leave.

She still could not understand why the Protector Duke's Estate suddenly became more vigilant. Could it be that they had guessed that someone would come to spy on them tonight?

Or did something happen that she didn't know about? Was she unlucky to have bumped into it?

She remembered that the vendor who had poisoned the Old Marquis was dead.

The peddler's lover was from the Protector Duke's Estate. In that case, the other party might have guessed that something had happened to Xiangzi and that they had probably been exposed. They would have expected people from the Marquis of Zhenbei to come to investigate secretly tonight…

"In that case, it's not strange for them to strengthen their defenses."

Su Xiaoxiao found a relatively quiet corner, tugged at her gloves, and easily crossed the wall.