Destined Daughter (2)

Qin Che was very agitated.

Su Xiaoxiao's eyes flickered. "Would Qin Che kill Qin Canglan to silence him?"

The corners of Su Mo's mouth twitched. "Do you think anyone can kill Granduncle?"

Putting aside whether Qin Che had the intention to kill or not, even if he did, his granduncle had already pulled herself out of the huge shock from yesterday. If he wanted to gain an advantage over him, Qin Che would have to have ten heads.

Su Xiaoxiao: "Oh."

Su Mo asked, "Are you concerned about Granduncle?"

Su Xiaoxiao replied, "I'm afraid that he won't have time to make a will."

Su Mo was speechless.

After Qin Canglan left the study, Su Mo used his qinggong and brought Su Xiaoxiao out of the Duke's Estate.

Su Mo said, "Go see my grandfather. He might know better than us about what happened back then."

The Old Marquis had recovered well. The poison had been completely removed, and his heart disease had been effectively controlled.