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But to say the most powerful…

Su Mo looked at the Scholar Tower of the Imperial College. "It should be the youngest son of the Wei family."

The Scholar's Tower was originally not called the Scholar's Tower. It was just an ordinary bookstore. It was because the youngest son of the Wei family often read inside. After he became the top scholar in high school, this building was renamed the Scholar's Tower.

The street that he had stayed on for a while before the exam also became Scholar Street.

How glorious was a 17-year-old top scholar?

When he was ten years old, he entered the palace to study with the Wei family. He was talented and dazzling, making all the princes and descendants pale in comparison. Even though the Wei family was once a subordinate of King Nanyang, and Emperor Jing Xuan had a grudge against the Wei family, he sincerely cherished Wei Ting.