Domineering Brother Ting (1)

This competition seemed to be giving Su Cheng a chance, but it was actually preparing for Qin Jiang's return.

After Qin Jiang's background spread, he would definitely be questioned by the world. However, if Qin Jiang could defeat Qin Canglan's legitimate son and prove with his strength that he was more qualified to inherit real power than Su Cheng, those who doubted him could only shut up obediently.

After all, it was not that the emperor did not give his legitimate son a chance.

It was because the legitimate son was disappointing.

Even if he asked Zhuge Liang to teach him, he would not be able to do anything.

The old marquis was puzzled. "Why is His Majesty suddenly so biased towards Qin Jiang?"

Qin Canglan frowned and said, "The Mighty Marquis entered the palace to see His Majesty last night."

He was referring to Marquis Jing Shengming, Jing Yi's grandfather, and Xiao Zhonghua's grandfather.