Arrival of the Big Boss

Eunuch Sun touched the pouch at his waist.

It was heavy and filled with gold.

He hesitated for a moment before telling Su Xiaoxiao.

It turned out that this Grand Empress Dowager was the niece-in-law of the previous emperor.

The late emperor's brother had a total of three sons, the eldest of whom was also the legitimate son. Naturally, he would be appointed the position of Crown Prince.

However, this legitimate son had been weak since he was young. He relied heavily on medicine and was powerless to govern.

Before Emperor Jing Yuan passed away, he entrusted his son to his biological brother, the late emperor, and conferred the late emperor as the regent, who supervised the country on his behalf.

After the Crown Prince ascended the throne as Emperor Jing Hui, he fell ill every other day. The enemy countries eyed the country covetously and kept starting wars at the border.