
Wei Ting's injuries were too serious. Su Xiaoxiao decided to go back to the medical center to operate on Wei Ting.

Su Qi had followed Su Mo to chase after the archers in the forest. He had yet to return, so Qin Canglan was not worried about their safety.

With Su Mo around, he would not let anything happen to his brother.

Wei Ting and Fu Su were in a carriage.

Su Xiaoxiao and Su Ergou took one carriage while the others rode horses.

Before getting on the carriage, Qin Canglan cleared his throat and said to Wei Ting in a seemingly unintentional manner, "Don't worry about Dahu and the others. The old monkey and Cheng'er have gone to Pear Blossom Alley."

When Su Yu brought the news to the three of them, the first thing Qin Canglan and the Old Marquis thought of was to save Su Ergou. Only Su Cheng said, "They've all rushed to save Ergou. No one is looking after the children. Without the adults at home, the Dahu, Erhu, and Xiaohu will be afraid."