Final Victory (2)

After his companion was killed, two more assassins gave chase. The other person followed the direction of the arrow to search for the archer hiding in the dark.

However, he did not even have the chance to see the other party's appearance before his head was pierced by an arrow!

Looking at the assassin who flew out and fell to the ground, Qin Jiang's hair stood on end!

When did the Divine Bow Camp… produce such a ruthless archer?

Su Cheng ran wildly ahead. He knew that someone was chasing after him.

He turned around.


One was missing.

He turned around again and saw that there were fewer of them.

When he turned around for the third time, all the assassins chasing him had disappeared.

It was… quite confusing.

After dealing with the last two assassins, Qin Jiang was also injured. He sat on the ground, panting.

Behind a vine in the distance, an ice-cold arrow was aimed at him.