Slapping Emperor Jing Xuan's Face

Hu Jiusheng was reading medical books at the Imperial Hospital.

These books were all left behind by Imperial Physician Fu back then. Imperial Physician Fu was a physician who had spent his life saving lives. He had left behind many precious experiences and did not have the time to take them away because of the sudden incident back then.

His medical books and handwritten notes were all taken by Hu Jiusheng.

Hu Jiusheng was also a talented person. Supported by Imperial Physician Fu's medical books, his medical skills advanced by leaps and bounds, as he conquered many difficult illnesses, and successfully stabilized himself in the Imperial Hospital.

He believed that this time, he would definitely find a way to treat the Empress Dowager.

"There will definitely be… definitely…"

He hurriedly flipped through the medical books.

Suddenly, Imperial Physician Zhang rushed in.

"Treated, cured, cured… cured!"

He stammered.