Beating Qin Yanran Up

No sooner said than done, Wei Ting grabbed Su Xiaoxiao's wrist and pulled her to the other side.

The carriage sped away.

Wei Ting's eyes turned cold. He flew up and kicked the coachman off the horse!

At the same time, he held the reins with one hand and suddenly turned around, stopping the carriage.

A three-year-old child eating candied hawthorn on the street looked at the carriage parked half a step in front of him in a daze, confused.

The woman who had bought a thimble at the stall turned around and saw this scene. She was frightened out of her wits and hurriedly held on to her son.

The coachman who fell to the ground probably did not expect to be so unlucky. He got up and ran!

"Are you running off now?"

Su Xiaoxiao stomped the other party to the ground.

The other party screamed and spat out a mouthful of blood!

He begged for mercy in fear. "Miss, spare me! Miss, spare me—"