Sleeping Together

Wei Ting lit the oil lamp. The dim yellow light flickered on the three of their faces.

The central room was silent.

Bai Xihe lowered her eyes, her expression calm and cold.

Su Xiaoxiao didn't rush her, but she didn't wait long.

Bai Xihe said softly, "Prince Nanyang and I are innocent, whether you believe it or not."

The room was silent again.

"Daughter! Eh? It's on!"

Su Cheng walked over with an oil lamp and looked at the almost dry oil lamp. He said, "Let's use this one. That one will be extinguished in a while."

He placed the oil lamp in his hand on the table and took it to the kitchen to add oil.

After the small interlude, the atmosphere between the few of them seemed to liven up.

"Have you liked Prince Nanyang?" Su Xiaoxiao asked bluntly.

Bai Xihe laughed self-deprecatingly. "With my status, am I qualified to say that I like him?"