Saving the Beauty Late at Night

In the room that emitted a strong damp and moldy smell, Princess Hui An finally broke free from the rope in her hand.

She removed the cloth ball that was stuck in her mouth and went to untie the rope around her feet.

However, her feet were tied too tightly. She could not untie them for a long time.

Exasperated, she got up and skipped behind the door, pounding on the locked door.

"Someone! Let me out!"

"How dare you! Do you know who I am? You even dare to capture me. Are you tired of living!"

"Let me go quickly!"

"Did you hear that!"

Princess Hui An's throat was hoarse, and her palm hurt.

However, no one came over.

As night fell, darkness swallowed the entire room. She sat down in the corner, afraid and aggrieved.

Tears fell.

"Father… Hui An is afraid… Come and save Hui An…"

"Mother… Third Brother… Where are you?"

"Wuwu… Hui'an wants to go home…"

She cried uncontrollably.