The Divine General Awakens (2)

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Su Cheng, who had fallen asleep by the bed. "Yes, my father is still waiting for him to wake up. We're all waiting for him to wake up."

"You've been busy all day. Go rest. I'll watch over here."

"Thank you, Master."

Physician Fu was already very accepting of this title. "Ah, right, is Lord Wei alright?"

Su Xiaoxiao asked, "Is it obvious?"

Physician Fu pointed behind Su Xiaoxiao.

Su Xiaoxiao turned around and Little Fatty's body trembled.

Wei Ting stood at the door in pain. His hand was caught by the door…

Su Xiaoxiao was speechless.

… .

Su Xiaoxiao only lay down when it was almost dawn. Physician Fu didn't call her, planning to let her sleep in peace.

However, Su Xiaoxiao only slept for four hours before waking up.

Her body did not seem to be that tired. It seemed that her physique had improved a lot.