
On the other side, the missing Su Li was finally brought back to the residence by Su Mo.

This time was different from the past. He had not slipped out of the residence to fool around. He had been hunted down by the White Lotus Society.

Madam Tao was so anxious that she could not eat or sleep.

"Mother, Little Five is back."

Accompanied by Su Mo's calm voice, the disheveled Su Li appeared in front of Madam Tao.

Mdm Tao whimpered and pounced over to hug her youngest son. "Wuwu… Where did you go… You were so worried… I thought I would never see you again… Are you injured…"

Su Li had run out countless times since he was young. Every time he was caught and brought back to the residence, he would be beaten up. His mother did not spoil him.

It was rare for his mother to reveal her true feelings, so Su Li was extremely excited. He reached out to hug his mother back. "Mother…"