
Yu Feng's expression changed drastically. "Master, does the movement of the Emperor Star mean that there's a calamity on the Emperor Star, or that there's a change in the Emperor Star?"

He was extremely curious.

Sikong Yun said calmly, "The heavenly secrets can't be revealed."

Yu Feng muttered, "Haven't you leaked enough? Who told the old Duke that his star had fallen?"

Sikong Yun held his forehead with a headache. "So your master's retribution is here."

"Dong, dong, dong, dong!"

In the southeast corner of the observatory, Xiaohu was holding a small gong. He shouted and hit it desperately. Dahu and Erhu worked with his rhythm and shook it desperately.

The stargazing platform became the event location of a large tomb. Sikong Yun's head was buzzing.

He liked silence. The Imperial Astronomy Center had never been so noisy.