Domineering Father Su

On the other side, Su Cheng had also entered the palace.

He was naturally not here to deliver pills to the Empress Dowager. He was here to carry out an investigation mission.

The harem was a forbidden area for outsiders. He had no choice this time.

Naturally, the officials of the Imperial Court could not enter and leave on their own. They had to be accompanied by eunuchs and palace maids.

Su Cheng and a team of imperial guards also went to Zhaoyang Hall accompanied by four palace servants.

On the way, Su Cheng met the second prince, Xiao Shunyang.

The last time they came out of the peach forest, they returned to the capital together. The difference was that Su Cheng was unharmed and Xiao Shunyang was slightly injured.

Xiao Shunyang should have been resting in the residence, but he invited himself into the palace and joined the investigation.

"Your Highness."

"Deputy Commander Su."

The two of them greeted each other.