Family Reunion

When Wei Liulang heard this address, his heart burned and tears almost rushed out.

He looked at the three cute little fellows with watery eyes.

They actually looked more like their mother. They had round faces and obsidian-like eyes. They clearly had a pair of innocent almond-shaped eyes, but they exuded intelligence and cunning.

Wei Liulang suddenly felt that all the pain was worth it. He had returned with a broken body and originally planned to live in the dark for the rest of his life, but not only did he see the sun step by step, but he also heard them call him father with his own ears.

He patted the heads of the three little fellows and held back the lump in his throat. He smiled and replied, "Aye!"

The three little ones shook their heads happily!

Wei Liulang's heart was about to melt.

He looked at Su Xiaoxiao gratefully and silently thanked her.