Wedded Life

The troupe in the residence sang for the entire night. When the song ended, the sky was already bright.

In the wedding room filled with big red words, the dragon and phoenix incense burned the last drop of red tear, and everything returned to silence.

Wuhu was dizzy and saw stars. Finally, he could not hold on anymore and fell from the branch.

Su Xiaoxiao was woken up by the chirping of birds.

She didn't know how long she had slept. What night was it? She felt that her entire body was about to fall apart. Even her fingers and toes were sore.

She tried to sit up but realized that she could not muster any strength at all.

"Are you awake?"

Accompanied by a familiar voice, a certain refreshed man pushed the door open and walked in.

He casually closed the door and turned on the light in the house.