
"Xiaoxiao," Qin Canglan pondered and said, "I always feel that Sikong Yun doesn't have any ill intentions towards us. If he really did something, he probably had no choice."

Qin Canglan did not dare to say how accurate he was in judging people, but they had stayed in the Imperial Astronomy Center for so long without any defense. If Sikong Yun really wanted to kill them, there were many opportunities to attack.

Of course, this did not mean that he would forgive Sikong Yun.

It was fine if Sikong Yun schemed against him, but if Sikong Yun harmed his precious granddaughter, he would chase after Sikong Yun to the end no matter what Sikong Yun's difficulties were!

"Leave the matter of looking for Sikong Yun to me. I'll send someone to find him."

Qin Canglan had known Sikong Yun for many years and could be considered to know Sikong Yun's personality and preferences. He roughly guessed which places he would not go and which were more attractive to him.