Seeing the Iron Bell Again

Prime Minister Guo clenched his fists.

It was very embarrassing to be threatened by two juniors, but his intuition told him that this girl was definitely not lying. She might really kill him.

"Tsk." Wei Ting smiled. "Looks like there are really accomplices."

Prime Minister Guo's expression changed. This time, he realized that he had been tricked.

That girl looked impulsive and agitated, but every word was a trap.

Su Xiaoxiao said calmly, "Have you thought about it, Prime Minister Guo? There's only a mile left."

Fu Su drove the carriage so fast that the wheels and horseshoes almost smoked.

Prime Minister Guo's teeth hurt. Would it kill him to drive slower?

"100 steps."

"80 steps."


It was as though Su Xiaoxiao was counting down to his death.

Prime Minister Guo broke out in cold sweat. He understood that he had to make a choice.

He lowered his eyes and clenched his fists.