Wuhu's Merit

Princess Hui An was stunned.

A small golden snake?

Could it be the one just now?

She subconsciously looked at the little snake nailed to the ground.

Ah, it was really golden!

This was actually the beloved pet of the Princess of the Western Jin?

Although she was a princess, she understood that the royal family of Western Jin could not be provoked, especially this young princess. Her mother had reminded her many times not to provoke anyone from Western Jin vistors.

It was fine if she really provoked the princes and princesses. They were elders and would not argue with a junior.

This young princess was at an age where it was not easy to coax her. She was not mature, and was childish, and rebellious.

Killing her beloved pet… It was over. They had caused a huge mess.

Princess Hui An pushed Su Xiaoxiao away in a second and released her princess aura. "I was the one who did it!"

Su Xiaoxiao covered her mouth.