Return to the Capital (2)

"Pretty good." Su Xiaoxiao said, "Mother, don't be sad. We all know that Big Brother has regained his memory. He just won't admit it. When he completes his mission as a sacrificial soldier, he will acknowledge us."

Speaking of which, what was Ghostfear's mission?

No, she was not curious at all.

Madam Wei smiled bitterly and did not answer.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at the heavy basket in her hand and said, "I'll send it to Brother later."

Madam Wei hurriedly said, "This basket of golden oranges is for you. Little Six has already sent it to your brother."

Among his three sons, only Wei Liulang was the thickest-skinned. He did not have any grudges with anyone and dealt with his brothers and elders.

"Thank you, Mother." Su Xiaoxiao took the basket.

Madam Wei wanted to say something but hesitated. After taking a few steps, she turned to Su Xiaoxiao and said, "Thank you… for taking care of Little Seven."