
It was not until the last Black Armored Guard disappeared at the end of the stairs that Yuwen Jing finally came back to her senses.

Did she just get rejected by Mr. Zhuge in front of everyone?

Mr. Zhuge was her father's strategist!

He had never been harsh to her!

She… She had even asked Mr. Zhuge for guidance many times. Mr. Zhuge had patiently explained it to her, and Mr. Zhuge even praised her for being smart… She was a promising child…

"It's all your fault!"

She turned around and glared at Guo Lingxi coldly.

Guo Lingxi felt as if she had been hit in the head. Her expression changed slightly as she clenched her handkerchief. "Why are you blaming me again?"

She was also very wronged, okay?

Yuwen Jing was young and impetuous after all, and she was used to being flattered. Now that she had suddenly been embarrassed, she was unhappy.