The Three Brave Little Ones (2)

Feng Xiaoran did not give up. He walked up to him with the portrait and asked him if he knew the person in the portrait.

Guo Ming was drunk. Everything he saw was double. How could he recognize the portrait?

Feng Xiaoran glared at him, but he was not flustered, because there was someone in the hall who could prove Wei Qing's identity.

"Consort Ling, you're Wei Qing's cousin. You should know Wei Qing, right?"

Su Xiaoxiao slapped the table and stood up. "Feng Xiaoran! Don't go too far! Who doesn't know that she fell out with the Wei family? Can she be trusted? What if the two of you colluded to frame the Wei family?"

Feng Xiaoran smiled wantonly and said, "Madam Wei, you can rest assured. I, Feng Xiaoran, swear to the heavens that I have never interacted with Consort Ling. Before today, if I say anything to her or have any interaction with her, I will be struck by lightning and die a horrible death!"