The Joy of Being a Father

Qin Canglan had never been so anxious when righting a war, but when he faced his precious granddaughter, he immediately lost his cool. "What's going on? Can you do it?"

The doctor took Su Xiaoxiao's pulse for the third time and finally confirmed it.

He couldn't believe it.

The little devil who was always at the forefront of the battle and killed Zhou Lie and Leng Jue with a single slash of her sword… Uh, no, the leader of the Crimson Shadow Army actually had a happy pulse?

If not for his confidence in his medical skills, he would have invited a few more physuician over to take a look.

"Tell me!"

Qin Canglan was extremely anxious.

The medical officer took a step back and cupped his hands at Qin Candlan and Wei Ting. He said excitedly, "Congratulations, Grand Marshal. Congratulations, General Wei. It's a happy pulse!"

Wei Ting's hand trembled and the teacup was splashed.