Be Good, Wei Xiaobao

The winter at the border was cold and long, and the goose feather-like snow fell for the entire day.

Wei Ting was woken up by a loud shout. It seemed that someone was calling for dinner.

His body was very weak. Even when he opened his eyes, he could feel the pain in his eyelids.

"Chi ~"

A soft snort came from the side.

Wei Ting endured the pain and opened his eyes. He turned his neck with difficulty and his eyes slanted. He finally saw who was making that annoying sound.

The legitimate son of Marquis Weiwu—Jing Yi.

Jing Yi was wrapped in bandages. He sat on the bamboo bed opposite him. Although he was sitting, he was actually lying down. However, there was a thick folded mattress behind him, making him look like he was sitting up.

"Where are we?"

Wei Ting asked weakly.

Jing Yi, who had yet to completely recover, said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Jia County, military camp."

"Jia County?" Wei Ting frowned.