Killing God Wei Xu

"Have you eaten?" Su Xiaoxiao asked.

Wei Ting sat down beside her. "I ate a little and am a little hungry."

Su Xiaoxiao nodded. "Perfect. Let's eat together."

There was a big bowl of red date silver ear soup stew in the kitchen, and Su Xiaoxiao scooped a bowl for him.

"Speaking of which, why did you go for so long? Have you been talking to His Majesty in the Imperial Study?"

Wei Ting took the silver fungus soup. "No, I went to the Ministry of War to hand it over and wrote a few documents. It has to be done in detail."

Wasn't this writing a report… Su Xiaoxiao took a sip of the silver ear soup and bit a sour date. She frowned.

Wei Ting had yet to eat. He glanced at her and picked out all the dates in his bowl. Then, he gave her his bowl.

This guy was quite considerate.

Su Xiaoxiao took another bite. It was sweet and she liked it very much.

"How has Dad been recently?" Wei Ting was also very concerned about Su Cheng.