The Number One Killer in the Southern Border

Her mother was actually not the Chen family's biological daughter. No wonder everyone in the Chen family did not treat her mother as a human.

If Liu Ping was really about to leave, Su Xiaoxiao didn't ask him too much. Anyway, she would return to Qingzhou after settling the matters in the southern border. When the time came, she would ask the Chen family.

The three little ones waved at Liu Ping. "Goodbye, Uncle Liu!"

"Hey, hey!"

Liu Ping smiled awkwardly and hurriedly got into the carriage with a hint of reluctance.

"Brother Liu, who is that girl? Why do you keep talking to her? Can't you walk away when you see a beautiful girl? Are you afraid that I'll go back and tell Sister Wu to make you kneel on the washboard?"

"Young brat, what do you know? That's the big boss of our Su Ji!"

"What? Big boss? Aiya, why didn't you say so earlier? I have to go greet her—Brother Liu, don't stop me—Hey! Brother Liu, Brother Liu!"