Earning Big Money

After sending five birds flying in a row, Eunuch Jin finally came.

He was carrying a bird cage covered in black cloth and dressed plainly.

At first glance, he looked like a bird farmer.

Only his appearance and temperament were a little too outstanding.

Someone sized up him curiously, but he did not care at all. He did not put on any airs.

"That one." Su Xiaoxiao gave Wei Ting and Wei Liulang a look.

Wei Ting looked at Eunuch Jin and said nothing.

On the other hand, Wei Liulang said in surprise, "Is this man… really a eunuch?"

How could there be such an outstanding eunuch?

"How old is he?" Wei Liulang asked again.

"Thirty?" Su Xiaoxiao guessed.

There were no scratches on his face that had been carved by time, but there was a divine aura that had been developed over time.

He was someone with a story, Su Xiaoxiao thought.