Second Brother vs. the Truth

In the courtyard of Changliu Lane.

Wei Qing looked at his brother, who had suddenly barged in, and unhurriedly placed a chess piece on the chessboard. "How would I know what secrets Su Xuan has?"

"How can you not know?" Wei Ting glanced at his chessboard. "You're the only one he's close to, and he always wants to play chess with you. It's as if you're old friends."

Wei Qing glared at his brother. "Are you saying that he's young or that I'm old?"

Wei Qing was only eight years older than Su Xuan.

In the past, Wei Ting had come in silence. Now that he had let himself go, he was as in need of a beating as Wei Liulang.

Wei Ting stared straight at his second brother. "You don't play much with me. My chess skills aren't bad."

This was true. Wei Ting had been raised as a scholar since he was young and was proficient in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting.

If he was a little stupid, he would not be a 17-year-old high school top scholar.