The Truth

Su Xuan's thin lips parted.

Princess Hui An closed her eyes. "I'm asleep!"

The fire in front of Wei Ting and Su Xiaoxiao burned out.

There was not enough firewood in the cave to last two fires until dawn. Wei Ting carried Su Xiaoxiao back to the original fire.

Su Xiaoxiao rested her head on his slender legs. He pulled over the dried robe and covered her.

Su Xuan and Princess Hui An sat opposite the two of them. The dancing flames reflected their faces.

Wei Ting was hugging his wife. It was only right and proper. There was nothing to be ashamed of.

Su Xuan, who had no status, could actually remain calm after being physically close to the princess. He was even calmer than Wei Ting.

Ever since he learned about Su Xuan's past from his second brother, Wei Ting would no longer treat him as an ordinary person.

He looked calm on the surface, but who knew if he was really calm.

"Shall we chat?" Wei Ting said casually.