The Truth About Ah Xuan

Xie Yunhe was carried away in a strange posture.

Su Xiaoxiao baked pancakes and brought them to the house for Cheng Sang and the man to eat. She also brought some to Ling Yun and the others next door.

Mei Ji didn't sleep the night before. She wanted to see how Ling Yun was going to refine the Saintess into a puppet.

Ling Yun didn't hide anything and let her see it openly.

Unexpectedly, she failed to live up to her expectations. As she watched, she collapsed on the chair and fell asleep.

When Su Xiaoxiao went over, her mouth was open and she was snoring, drooling from sleep.

After tasting Su Xiaoxiao's culinary skills, Ling Yun's secret guards finally understood why their young master did not think about food and drink in the Great Zhou.

After experiencing such godly culinary skills, they realized their chef made pig food.

Su Xiaoxiao said to Ling Yun, "Have some too."