
With the alternation of the two kings, there were too many things to deal with. Zongzheng Wei was busy until midnight almost every day.

On this day, he finally had some free time. The Empress Dowager went to Chengde Hall to look for him, but she missed him.

The Empress Dowager asked the new eunuch of Chengde Hall, "Where's His Majesty?"

The eunuch smiled awkwardly. "His Majesty left the palace."

"Did something big happen outside the palace?" the Empress Dowager asked worriedly.

The eunuch braced himself and laughed dryly. "His Majesty left the palace incognito."

Private business?

The Empress Dowager was even more confused.

Her son had only returned to the palace for a short time. Surely he was not involved with anyone outside?

Of course, the Empress Dowager did not expect Zongzheng Wei to go to the Cheng family.