Seizing the Throne

"I will convey your opinions to His Majesty. That's all for today. At the morning court tomorrow, His Majesty will announce the candidate for the crown prince."

With that, the Empress Dowager stood up and returned to the harem.

Everyone came out of the Hall of Supreme Harmony in twos and threes and discussed the appointment of the crown prince in low voices.

The Old Marquis, Wei Xu, and Su Cheng were the last out.

The three of them knew Emperor Jing Xuan's condition better than the others. The Empress Dowager was probably the one who made the decision.

Su Cheng pondered and said, "Did the Empress Dowager look at us a little strangely just now?"

Wei Xu said, "The Empress Dowager is a smart person. She knows what to do."

The Empress Dowager went to Emperor Jing Xuan's bedroom.

After the imperial physician's relentless treatment, Emperor Jing Xuan could already open his eyes.