Exposing Her True Colors

Madam Yang was a shrew in the countryside. No one in the village dared to provoke her.

If someone really fought with her, she would be the one suppressing them.

She never dreamed that she would be pressed to the ground and slapped and beaten on the head.

"You crazy woman! Where did you come from? Aiyo! Aiyo!"

If she said one sentence, she would be beaten up three times.

Madam Yang was beaten until she could not fight back.

In terms of figure, Madam Yang was much thicker than Cheng Sang.

After all, she worked in agriculture all year round, unlike Cheng Sang, who had lived a pampered life and had been crazy and thin for so many years.

But for a mother who had lost her daughter, nothing could stop her anger.

Even if she had to risk her life, she had to teach Madam Yang a lesson!

"Crazy woman! Crazy woman!"


Clap! Clap! Clap!

The louder Madam Yang shouted, the louder Cheng Sang's slap became.