Digging a Hole, The Big Boss Fights (2)

Ghostfear was secretly covering for him. Once Wei Qing was in danger, the plan would be terminated in time.

Wei Liulang went to the military camp to inform his father to rush to the peach forest.

The elder called Feng Wuchang whom Sect Master Lu mentioned should be the expert that Wei Ting had sensed in the Myriad Immortals Building.

Perhaps only their father could deal with him.

Wei Ting and Su Mo brought people to the peach forest to look for mechanisms and choose the best ambush location. At the same time, they could also set up some new mechanisms.

Su Li implored, "I want to go too!"

Su Mo nodded. "Alright, we're short of a guard."

Su Li was speechless.

Su Li pointed at Su Xuan. "Where's Fourth Brother? What's he doing?"

Su Mo said, "He has other missions."

Su Li harrumphed. "I want another mission too."

Wei Ting gave him a big cover. "Pretend to be blind and wait along the way."

Su Li was speechless.