The Hundred Flowers Palace

Xie Jinnian not only came out to collect the accounts but also asked about the investigation.

For the time being, the guards of the City Lord Manor did not find any suspects in the city who matched the person in the portrait.

Xie Jinnian thought for a moment and said to the guard captain, "We can't rule out the possibility of a disguise. Search according to their figures. In addition, send another team to look outside the city."

Not all the islanders of Thousand Mountain Island lived in Fengdu City. There were also some villages and markets outside the city.

The guard captain received the order and immediately went to make arrangements.

Xie Jinnian carried the birdcage and got into the carriage back to the City Lord Manor.

Wuhu did not expect that he would encounter his "former master" on the first day he came to the island and was even brought back as a pet that came looking for him.