Looking for the Three Tigers

Xiao Ruyan held Su Xiaoxiao's hand sympathetically and asked incomparably seriously, "How did you not go crazy until now?"

Su Xiaoxiao was speechless.

The next day, Su Xiaoxiao borrowed the kitchen from Xiao Ruyan and made two boxes of flower pancakes and a basket of pig buns with Xing'er.

Her body was heavy but Xing'er was smart and had long learned culinary skills from her on the way to the Western Jin. It was no problem for her to graduate now.

The flower cake was for Xiao Ruyan and her mother-in-law, and the pig bun was for Nie Xiaozhu.

Nie Xiaozhu was picked up by his mother from the blanket early in the morning to practice martial arts. He was unwilling.

However, when he saw the cute little bun on the table, he immediately perked up.

"It's a pig bun," Su Xiaoxiao said.

Nie Xiaozhu looked at the golden toad that he could not bear to let go even when he was sleeping, then at the pig bun in the steamer. His eyes widened.