Protecting Xiaobao

After the slave killer left, Madam Ji also went to take a bath.

On the roof, Chu Feifeng took a long breath.

In order to hide her aura just now, she held her breath until she almost fainted.

She stuck her eyes out of the eaves and looked cautiously at the Slave Killer who had disappeared into the night. She only used her qinggong when she was completely invisible.

She hurriedly returned to her room, closed the door, inserted the bolt, and began to digest the clues she had eavesdropped on.

The medicine woman who lived in the Hundred Flower Palace was definitely her seventh sister-in-law. She had given birth, but the Hall Master of the Heavenly Jade Hall wanted to steal her child.

She didn't know why she wanted to steal the child for the time being.

From Madam Ji's tone, the Hall Master of the Heavenly Jade Hall seemed to have an old relationship with the Palace Lord of the Hundred Flowers Palace.

Madam Ji was very jealous.