Blowing the Cover (2)

Naturally, this news was very likely fake. The goal was to prevent him from raising Ji Wanru as a concubine.

In that case, the Hundred Flowers Palace was very suspicious.


On the cliff.

The rain poured down.

Wei Ting hung from a cliff cypress and was drenched.

He spun in the rain and said expressionlessly, "Master, if you don't fish me in soon, I'll be drenched."

Elder Qiu sat in the cave and smacked his lips. He unwillingly used a wooden hook to fish in this disciple whom he did not acknowledge.

Wei Ting took off his mask and gloves, took off his wet outer robe, and threw it to Jing Yi.

"Son, dry it."

Jing Yi refused. "Dry it yourself."

Wei Liulang asked, "Little Seven, did Xiahou Qing recognize you?"

Wei Ting recalled Xiahou Qing's reaction. "He probably didn't recognize me, but he probably guessed that I'm a young man."