Fatherly Love

On the deserted island, the tides surged.

On the beach, a series of footprints meandered up into a forest.

There was a bonfire burning in an empty space in the forest.

There were two sea fish and a wild rabbit on the fire, and a few red wild fruits lay on the clean leaves at the side.

"It's burnt!"

Princess Hui An looked at the fish on the fire.

"Got it!"

Su Li turned the wooden stick around. "I told you not to make the fire so big."

Princess Hui An snorted. "Your culinary skills are bad, so it's strange that you're so angry! Hmph, when I go out with my sidekick, she always starts such a big fire to roast things to eat! Why haven't I seen her burn anything?"

Su Li curled her lips. "If you have the ability, get your sidekick to roast it! Do you think she'll do it?"