Cheering For Others

On the sports field, Li Ming followed the staff member in charge and walked to his own track in an orderly manner.

"Class representative! I've brought my goddess over to cheer for you!" Xu Meng jumped up and down and waved at Li Ming, who was on the side of the track. She looked more excited than the athletes on the track.

Li Ming heard the shouts and looked over. At first glance, he saw He Miao, who was smiling and nodding at him.

He replied with a bright smile, just like when they first met. He was still that warm and handsome young man.

Xu Meng's heart skipped a beat when she saw that smile. Her scream was suddenly stuck in her throat. She tugged at He Miao's sleeve and asked in surprise, "Was the class representative smiling at you just now? Why do I feel like I'm prying into the class representative's privacy?"

"What privacy?" He Miao raised an eyebrow and asked her curiously.