Confrontation Between Father And Daughter

He Miao glared back at him expressionlessly and stood at the door to confront him.

Neither father nor daughter was willing to speak first. They were at a deadlock, and the atmosphere in the living room became more and more tense.

Zhong Fei walked over to He Feng's side and tried to calm him down. However, she glared at He Miao, who had not said a word. "Miaomiao, you're too rude. Why didn't you tell us that you were out with your friends until so late? Look at how worried your dad is about you."

He Feng snorted coldly. He had thought that he would hear He Miao admit her mistake, and then he would make her apologize to Zhou Zhu and treat him to a good meal.

Who knew that He Miao had a face that was even more serious than his, without a trace of regret on her face.

"I didn't go out to play. I've been at campus the whole time. If you don't believe me, you can call the professor to confirm."